EXB – 2017


EXB Plasmas for Space and Industrial Applications

21-23 June 2017, Toulouse (France)




Program > List of invited speakers



Eduardo AHEDO (UC3M, Universitad Carlos III de Madrid)

Physics and open issues on magnetized plasma plumes

Rod BOSWELL (Australian National University)

Beam plasma discharges and the adiabatic expansion of an electron gas : the role of electric and magnetic fields

Ralf-Peter BRINKMAN (Ruhr-Unversität Bochum)

Kinetic description of magnetized technological plasmas

Edgar CHOUEIRI (Princeton University)

Software and diagnostics for the study of instabilities in partially magnetized plasmas   

Fabrice DOVEIL (PIIM, Aix-Marseille University)

Instabilities in the linear plasma MISTRAL

Jón Tómas GUDMUNDSSON (University of Iceland, Reykjavik)

Consequences of EXB transport on electron heating in HiPIMS

Gerjan HAGELAAR (LAPLACE, CNRS & Univ of Toulouse)

Fluid simulation of instabilities in partially magnetized plasmas

Benjamin JORNS (University of Michigan)

An overview of instabilities capable of inducing cross-field transport in low -temperature, partially magnetized discharges

Igor KAGANOVICH (PPPL, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Electron-wall interactions and their consequences on transport

Achim von KEUDELL (Ruhr-Unversität Bochum)

Instabilities and anomalous transport in HiPIMS

Trevor LAFLEUR (LPP, Ecole Polytechnique)

Electron drift instabilities in EXB plasmas : kinetic theory and PIC simulations

Bertrand LEMBEGE (LATMOS, Univ. de Versailles-ST-Quentin-en-Yvelines)

The electron cyclotron drift instability in space plasmas


Electron transport by the EXB-driven ion acoustic instability in a Hall thruster based on r-z multi-fluid simulations

Konstantin MATYASH (University of Greifswald)

3D PIC simulations of rotating spokes in wall-less thrusters

Yevgeny RAITSES (PPPL, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Controlling of spokes and breathing oscillations in partially ionized EXB plasmas

Andrei SMOLYAKOV (Univ Staskatchewan)

Instabilities in EXB plasmas – Theory, dispersion relations, fluid models

Sedina TSIKATA (ICARE, CNRS, Orléans)

The electron cyclotron drift instability : thruster studies and physical interpretations


Examples of EXB instabilities predicted by PIC simulations

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